16 things you didn’t know about sleep. SCORE 124

Finals are coming. SCORE 148

Well done. SCORE 186

Whenever I find out that my crush also likes me. SCORE 124

Guys know how this feels. SCORE 238

Come back! SCORE 100

Scumbag master. SCORE 129

A history lesson. SCORE 179

My new shoes. SCORE 111

My favorite toy. SCORE 137

You wouldn’t dare. SCORE 128

How to hang your art in a museum. SCORE 298

Wisdom. SCORE 206

Accurate. SCORE 149

Every woman in wintertime. SCORE 92

Accurate. SCORE 274

My cat loves cuddling. SCORE 159

I love you Lamp SCORE 161

How do you study for finals? SCORE 290

Nostradamus predicts the end of the world. SCORE 135

Small people. SCORE 89

I should have used a condom! SCORE 8

The Silent Victims of Obesity SCORE 142

Congress hard at work. SCORE 150

Progress. SCORE 118

Formaldehyde vs. Casual-dehyde. SCORE 97

Wisdom. SCORE 117

The evolution of pants. SCORE 148

Never! SCORE 144

Marvels of the human body. SCORE 178

Mom. Dad. I’m Hispanic. SCORE 8

Wait for it… SCORE 201