Another Dancing Spider-Man SCORE 3

Om nom nom. SCORE 139

I’ll take one, please. SCORE 152

Father of the year. SCORE 290

I loved sneep. SCORE 403

Worth it. SCORE 359

Every T-Shirt Sheldon has ever worn. SCORE 112

Pounce practice. SCORE 209

You and me both. SCORE 159

Pessimist vs. Optimist vs. Psychologist. SCORE 121

Nope. SCORE 98

Grumpy Cat. SCORE 84

Do want. SCORE 260

Trolololo. SCORE 451

Things that ruin your day. SCORE 312

How to know if you’re racist. SCORE 184

Sometimes Google weirds me out. SCORE 257

A dog’s life. SCORE 201

Om nom nom! SCORE 163

Yep. SCORE 142

Not a bad idea. SCORE 50

Life. SCORE 179

Good on this guy SCORE 30

Put the elderly in prison SCORE 39

Lousy iPhone! SCORE 229

Likely story. SCORE 396

Because, cute. SCORE 134

Who’s the father? SCORE 163

1 Point Spidey, 0 points villain SCORE -5

Well, at least you have that? SCORE 65

Having Darth as a dad. SCORE 196

I think not. SCORE 146