Asian languages SCORE 16
Lost Boyfriend, Please Help SCORE 13
I love you so much! SCORE 12
Natasha gets it SCORE 15
Finally A Good Reason To Be Proud SCORE 251
This show was so good SCORE 140
Merica SCORE 190
Little Girl Absolutely Nails Geography Test SCORE 1
Karaoke SCORE 12
Animals In Dinosaur Costumes SCORE 10
How do I eat my Reese’s? SCORE 13
She was dumped in our neighborhood SCORE 244
Aw, the bunny turned into an angel SCORE 13
Homer has to make one good deed to get into heaven SCORE 129
Always stay positive and motivated SCORE 14
It's Not About Where You Are Today SCORE 8
Important Unspoken Rule SCORE 11
Matt LeBlanc on watching Friends reruns SCORE 165
Sam bought a thousand watermelons SCORE 15
I love guacamole SCORE 11
How to Get a Boyfriend. SCORE 177
This is how we end war. SCORE 135
Tourist Tuesday SCORE 248
Please say the password SCORE 147
Small shrimp survives 15 years in EcoSphere SCORE 133
Just Noticed Something About The 20 Dollar Bill SCORE 14
I Had No Idea These Existed SCORE -10
Drunk Girls Discuss World Issues: Gun Control SCORE -3
Mount Rundle, Banff, Canada. SCORE 13
…I think I’ll take the next bus. SCORE 14
Cabbage field SCORE 8