Einstein’s Tricky Riddle SCORE 2
Why I drink SCORE 7
The Cat King SCORE 12
This explains so much. SCORE 15
God’s temper tantrums SCORE 6
I'm ready i'm ready SCORE -2
Poor Jerry SCORE 118
Oh c'mon Google! SCORE 12
All the motivation you need SCORE 7
Worst Thing That Can Happen To Game Of Thrones Fans SCORE 14
Stumbled upon this gem on Twitter SCORE 174
Exorcising a laptop SCORE 18
Sneak pun SCORE 148
Living with deaf parents. SCORE 156
Animals smelling flowers SCORE 176
Modern day Romeo and Juliet SCORE 16
Cut that with some scissors before 10 am SCORE 10
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision SCORE 147
*sniff* SCORE 122
Poor Albert SCORE 6
Dog Life Hacks SCORE 13
Countdown mode SCORE 13
Tiled Stairs, San Francisco SCORE 163
It Seems We’ve Reached That Point SCORE 129
The final photo taken of David Bowie on his 69th birthday. Just 2 days before his death. SCORE 147
Rice Pro Tip SCORE 9
Not as planned SCORE 174
Checking webmd for a friendly diagnosis SCORE 10
Puggle Wuggle SCORE 16
Wrong On So Many Levels SCORE 149
Just Hugh Jackman with a baby penguin SCORE 185
when my underwear match my bra. SCORE 176