Soml. SCORE 5

A $7.25 minimum wage is not enough! SCORE 1

Thanks spongebob! SCORE 5

Trying… SCORE 146

The Dark Lord has spoken! SCORE 93

Subtle. SCORE 110

The odd couple. SCORE 140

I’m only 25. Wink wink… SCORE 11

The daily struggle SCORE 9

I would be so scared! SCORE 160

Mine. SCORE 140

So crazy it might just work. SCORE 8

English class. SCORE 12

My kind of food pyramid SCORE 8

Karma’s a bitch SCORE 83

Oh, Kanye… SCORE 15

When things fit perfectly. SCORE 124

Helmet of a firefighter… SCORE 108

You’re a 10… SCORE 107

Avocado is love. Avocado is life. SCORE 139

Unhelpful in store reviews SCORE 159

United Airlanes SCORE 266

LOTR and Game of Thrones mash-up. SCORE 14

This song is a hoot! SCORE 10

Seems legit SCORE 104

Boku no Pichu SCORE 0

Bop! SCORE 116

Neil deGrasse Tyson in his college wrestling days SCORE 84

Copycats SCORE 192

A rhinoceros calf SCORE 167

The way to her heart. SCORE 97

Dogs vs. cats. SCORE 10