This is accurate SCORE 7
Powdered Donuts. SCORE 13
Accidentally Went Shopping On An Empty Stomach SCORE 15
You too can be President SCORE 199
One wheeled motorcycle, 1931. Top speed of 93 mph SCORE 13
Thanks grandma SCORE 128
Whenever I Like A Song SCORE 12
When your pet falls asleep on you SCORE 12
This one is just weird SCORE 14
Straight Outta Options SCORE 119
Apparently I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time… SCORE 94
I Need This Book…. SCORE 8
I Know You Have Your Doubts SCORE 13
Me during exams SCORE 116
I Hope Someone Gets Fired For This… SCORE 3
Einstein’s Doctorate rejection letter by the University of Bern SCORE 20
New Haircut Win SCORE 5
So this happened… SCORE 10
Sounds Awesome Dad SCORE 12
My friend has been organizing his fathers things and found this political gem. Originality knows no bounds SCORE 7
I’ll Miss You Old Friend SCORE 14
Police officer that saved a girl in 98 attended her college graduation SCORE 173
Life’s little gifts SCORE 11
The Highlight Of The Trip SCORE -20
Why do thieves shower before a crime? SCORE 4
Most illustration tutorials SCORE 7
When you bite into a raisin cookie… SCORE 4
None Of Us Are Getting Out Of Here Alive SCORE 12
Inspirational quote of the day! SCORE 9
My new t-shirt SCORE 131
Nope thanks to global warming no iceberg to hit. SCORE 2