It was a cold day in Canada today.. SCORE 65

I’ve trained for this… SCORE 111

When you bring the receipts to the protest SCORE 117

In Case Of Fire Please Leave The Building SCORE 105

Childhood, Is That You? SCORE 94

A door in Paris SCORE 116

Syria: then and now SCORE 49

ehhh, psssst, wanna buy some drugs SCORE 47

The best sales tactic SCORE 61

Best thing about living with your parents SCORE 54

Pythagoras’s theorem explained SCORE 123

I want this. SCORE 157

It wasn’t me, I swear… SCORE 51

When Stephen King is in charge of the holiday decorations SCORE 92

Feel Free To Feel Old SCORE 80

I had a rough day… SCORE 98

Slight improvement in Wikipedia picture caption SCORE 128

Stranded lol pls help SCORE 94

Is he breathing?? SCORE 152

Okay, So I Was Wrong About You Getting A Hobby SCORE 89

He spooked the spider! SCORE 75

Stingray Migration SCORE 150

My Version Of Flirting SCORE 108

HUGE Cruise ship SCORE 54

Mailman posing with his heavy Christmas delivery (1929) SCORE 113

Corgi forgot how to corg SCORE 90

Walking away SCORE 148

Well, you’re not wrong… SCORE 8

Looks legit to me. SCORE 52

Icelandic Ice Caves SCORE 95

Bo’s advice for young people SCORE 99

maid man SCORE 89