Dad Life SCORE 96

I regret everything. SCORE 109

My favorite Siri answer of all time SCORE 119

What would Bin Laden think? SCORE 185

Golden Retrievers Are The Best SCORE 101

Tea Light Engine SCORE 113

Hairswap SCORE 85

The Korean Crow-Tit looks like a cotton ball ploof with a cute little face :) SCORE 126

These little things made Top Gear the greatest car show ever SCORE 132

New Olympic sport: syncronised tail wagging SCORE 131

Look! SCORE 69

Whenever I find a single ant in my kitchen. SCORE 113

The names of these kids menu items SCORE 176

Jim is savage when he wants to be. SCORE 133

Another American letdown SCORE 163


Ballpoint pen closeup SCORE 108

Happy family. SCORE 93

Bank said no internet images on my card. So I made this with pictures of my cat. SCORE 88

It’s… It’s Beautiful SCORE 103

Fine. SCORE 128

Mystery solved. SCORE 123

This is fordite, a man-made mineral created from old paint. It is becoming increasingly popular for use in jewelry and decorative art. SCORE 87

1 Square Foot Of Bunny SCORE 112

His baby wears a head-shaping helmet so he’s got the whole family wearing helmets now. SCORE 128

I think I just lost my roommate a job by singing Stevie Wonder at the top of my lungs… SCORE 91

Why you should always watch Pingu with the subtitles turned on SCORE 119

Nope, Chuck Testa SCORE 104

Shallow SCORE 87

The most loyal friend. SCORE 92


Roger Fisher about nuclear war SCORE 167