Animator positioning characters for Shaun the sheep SCORE 103

Insane Juke SCORE 143

#BoycottHamilton SCORE 84

A potrait of Bob Ross, 1983 SCORE 63

Excuse me, can I borrow your jacket? SCORE 100

Very true. Technology is not allowed all the attention. SCORE 114

The gang’s all here SCORE 92

Whew. That was close. SCORE 29

A cityscape on pasta SCORE 71

I Broke My Arm In 3 Places SCORE 32

This Dog Has Just Completed A Parachute Jump SCORE 60

A Barn converted into a Home SCORE 90

Charlie Brown picking up Snoopy for the first time SCORE 174

1, 2, 3 NOT IT! SCORE 61

Well played Nintendo, I wonder what the kids will ask Santa for….. SCORE 68

Gandalf falls asleep. SCORE 157

Yeah Comfortable…! SCORE 82

Some Guidelines For Healthy Living… SCORE 110

Boo! Got You! SCORE 98

Cool stairs. SCORE 55

This cringe worthy tweet SCORE 43

i take my selfies with a drone SCORE 83

You can’t just punch people SCORE -34

Funny sign spotted in Round Top, Texas SCORE 42

Oh I Don’t Watch Tv SCORE 67

How To Make Pizza In Six Steps SCORE 52

CNN has devolved into Buzzfeed SCORE 96

A mechanical back wheel bycicle SCORE 82

This was surprisingly cathartic. SCORE 178

Foldable Kayak SCORE 78

Tumblr statistics SCORE 77

This is getting out of hand SCORE 90