Beware the camel chip cookies… SCORE 8

Ohh that broke the glass… SCORE 31

Hail Him. SCORE 20


All jokes aside… SCORE 27

A chicken’s life for me… SCORE 31

Hey at least they’re aware… SCORE 31

Proof that god has an adorable sense of humour. SCORE 26

Sad ball is sad… :| SCORE 26

We need more laws! SCORE 34

Jade is poten SCORE 31

A rediscovery, of sorts. SCORE 24

Eggs with chocolate powder are an eggcellent choice. SCORE 27

You could just tell there was something about that one… SCORE 27

Beware of youtubers waiting in ambush… SCORE 20

Strong candidate for serendipity. SCORE 30

I disapprove of this message… SCORE 23

Someone bought this parking space to save a tree. That’s lovely. SCORE 25

Are we there yet? SCORE 21

I can’t believe you’ve done this… SCORE 23

There never was a chicken… SCORE 32

It is a better story.. so. SCORE 30

Adult human for scale… SCORE 29

6 months… SCORE 22

Welcome to service… SCORE 20

Oh so you’re just gonna kill our mom and leave? – Angry Deer, probably. SCORE 22

Thanks, ma. SCORE 30

Highly relatable, child. SCORE 33

Says the actor hired by a multi-billion dollar company… SCORE 36

The lack of self awareness… SCORE 28

Gamers just wanna game. SCORE 30

Yeah I’m going to buy that. SCORE 24