Quarantine looks good on you. SCORE 35

I would watch him dance. SCORE 21

Just Hogwarts things… SCORE 32

Also Mua: SCORE 22

He is so, so proud of his potat. SCORE 26

The real guano storm is still to come. SCORE 18

Training wheels. SCORE 13

I Am The One Who Knock-Diddly-Ocks SCORE 10

Obama laughing at a baby dressed as the pope SCORE 21

What a JACKass SCORE 25

Impulse Kontrol Kermit. SCORE 29

Taxes optional SCORE 30

Car go squish. SCORE 20

You’ve changed… SCORE 29

Ah yes, the sport… SCORE 9

Thoughts and Prayers From Scotland SCORE 11

simpler times… SCORE 21

Voluntary labour. SCORE 22

Well played. SCORE 27

Marketing on point. SCORE 27

Somebody made them update the sign… SCORE 22

Hey look there’s a duck on the sign! SCORE 21

Hold on to your butts! SCORE 24

Making of a Stop motion movie SCORE 30

It’s a fair question. SCORE 27

We are terrifying, frankly. SCORE 29

…right. SCORE 25

Panama Snaggletooth enjoys plucking toes, probably. SCORE 18

Here we gggggggooooooooooooooo SCORE 28

more or less appetizing? SCORE 23

I will show you da way. SCORE 31

Spiced up my night, actually. SCORE 25