working it out SCORE 10

the purrfect photo SCORE 41

gaming w/ a girlfriend SCORE 25

classic coding calamity SCORE 30

so that’s what “unzips pants” means SCORE 10

set setting SCORE 16

forced disturbance SCORE 21

c(at)++ SCORE 33

super smoker SCORE 8

anxbridety SCORE 17

cursed charcuterie SCORE 15

blocked blower SCORE 20

sisyphus surfaces SCORE 30

unwanted waking SCORE 20

tooché SCORE 15

feline freakout SCORE 15

stone age scripting SCORE 17

mate check SCORE 20

spare change climate SCORE 24

career claiming SCORE 17

branching off SCORE 13

monday mood multiplier SCORE 10

riling from rhythm SCORE 37

catstomer service SCORE 15

the silent generation(s) SCORE 37

google in yo noodle SCORE 33

’nuff nodding SCORE 20

co cutbara SCORE 23

every show ever SCORE 14

tipping tip SCORE -5

easy mode SCORE 16

microwave monster SCORE -1