Dishonor on you, Dishonor on your cow SCORE 138
Canadian Passports Are Amazing SCORE 11
This guy has plans. SCORE 161
Relationship goals SCORE 173
Smoothest Quote Ever SCORE 145
My Brain: Day Vs. Night SCORE 7
Hilarious ad placement SCORE 140
There’s Something Very Terrifying About This SCORE 11
Please pray for him, regardless of what religion you are SCORE 15
Great discussion about religion SCORE 8
Insert Card As Shown SCORE 133
Missing His Friend SCORE 153
Oh No, She’s Onto Me SCORE 10
"whens your birthday?" SCORE 139
typo SCORE 10
Look At That Face SCORE 15
When a vegan reaches their final form SCORE 120
That Time Ruffalo Took His Daughter To Preschool SCORE 205
This Kid Is Some Kind Of Genius SCORE 14
This is pure evil SCORE 170
Canadian stereotypes SCORE 200
Emergency bacon SCORE 97
Recent Survey SCORE 126
What we should do if Trump wins SCORE -1
Your Daily Motivation! SCORE 156
Geometric sandcastle SCORE 17
What your dog is thinking SCORE 135
They seem to be clean SCORE 13
Table Tennis Taken To A Whole New Level SCORE 11
True love SCORE 167
Darwin Would Be So Proud SCORE 9
I believe I can flaaaaaaaarrhghghghghh SCORE 16