Priorities. SCORE 23

Gift them the snackos. SCORE 24


Outstanding marketing. SCORE 31

Good job, ducky! SCORE 26

putty may may’s SCORE 26

Posing with a massive cactus in Mexico, roughly 1895 SCORE 28

Hang tight bud. SCORE 16

Kids are learning machines. SCORE 23

Crabs make tasty wives. SCORE 20

The inside of a water tower. SCORE 23

One of these is free er than the other… #freethehound SCORE 24

He’s going places SCORE 23

Synchronized nose lick. SCORE 30

God Bless America SCORE 19

Chimpanzee with heterochromia. SCORE 21

It’s scary, and it’s real. SCORE 25

Sharing is caring SCORE 29

Meanwhile in South Dakota SCORE 20

The R in Bob Ross stands for remarkable artist SCORE 26

Xs-Men SCORE 26

Meet Dr.Seuss. SCORE 23

Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti wore a ‘Star Trek’ Uniform in Space SCORE 38

Riding high SCORE 18

A reindeer you say? SCORE 24

And I helped, too… SCORE 19

How to know if you’re a booma SCORE 32

We call it The Throne… SCORE 19

Super neat. SCORE 26


It’s an art, now. SCORE 26

Can you feel the angst? SCORE 31