Polite Ways To Curse Someone SCORE 14

Ignore the haters SCORE 8

Trumpa lumpa SCORE 108

Where the pain is coming from SCORE 12

Don’t question it SCORE -4

The worst thing about being tall SCORE 13

Jon Stewart’s Words Of Wisdom SCORE 15

Celebrity lookalikes from a different race SCORE 149

when Donald Trump heard about McDonalds tweet SCORE 52

Who would’ve known? SCORE 12

Guilty SCORE 115

I have made a terrible mistake SCORE 120

Hole to another world SCORE 12

If you really love someone SCORE 11

What Video Games Have Really Taught Me SCORE 135

90s Cats Will Understand SCORE 9

It’s A Curse SCORE 128

When I’m Done Watching A Youtube Video SCORE 127

And this is what happens after they find out SCORE 156

This Majestic Cat Has Cloud-Like Fur SCORE 110

The Cat Call SCORE -2

Accurate SCORE 160

Wow, that is actually quite amazing SCORE 210

The many reasons why I love this man lol SCORE 8

Are you ready college students? SCORE 14

Bernie Sanders’ opinion on Trump SCORE 11

World wars SCORE 204

They Look Really Cozy SCORE 8

After the last round of primary elections… SCORE 100

Totally not fair man SCORE 9

Bottom of an iceberg that rolled over SCORE 130

Holding the vending machine hostage SCORE 14