Two men led a team of 80 people, spent 5 years collecting 1.2 million golden orb spiders, milked them for their silk, and created the rarest textile on Earth: A golden silk cape. SCORE 24

Do the thing. Whomever you prefer. SCORE 27

A Phillips fridge from 1956 with a built in radio SCORE 19

Casual racism, as it were. SCORE 12

Damn, cannibals… SCORE 24

Charmander makes pancakes! SCORE 29

Some fodder to consider, anyway. SCORE 23

Mixed messages. SCORE 22

Nobody really asked you… SCORE 28

2020 costumes…. SCORE 20

no longer suitable for the children… SCORE 23

At least they’re honest SCORE 28

Just garlic things. SCORE 23

Ring the bells… SCORE 28

Other. SCORE 16

A real head scratcher… SCORE 25

Your parents were wrong, close your doors (deadbolt optional). SCORE 26


Keep it up, friend. SCORE 32

🥩 it up. SCORE 22

Betty White can hang around a while longer, please. SCORE 30

happy henloween SCORE 19

Font matters SCORE 34

Graffiti artists for public good. SCORE 18

The biggest relatable mood. SCORE 23

This feels like a trick SCORE 18

Good on you Tanko. Looking forward to the next update. SCORE 39

Anti-Prohibition protest, 1933 SCORE 23

I peench you! SCORE 21

RIP in Peace, Grant. SCORE 28

Fun with taters… SCORE 22

Respect the hustle, Kolkata, IN. SCORE 20