Dads… SCORE 15

Atoms. SCORE 9

How to twerk SCORE 131

The ultimate redneck wedding SCORE 6

So sad! SCORE 8

Love. SCORE 9

Beard heaven SCORE 14

Winter weather. SCORE 16

Where would you rather wake-up? SCORE 10

He’s got a point SCORE 102

Yep SCORE 202

I do this all the time! SCORE 9

That’s wisdom SCORE 9

A street cat named Bob. SCORE 225

Hipster LOTR. SCORE 13

Hee hee. SCORE 172

Someone just ironed the logo SCORE 229

Squirrel truth SCORE 174

Great minds think alike. SCORE 12

Very important in-game stats SCORE 136

Life. SCORE 15

The zombie apocalypse will be a formal event. SCORE 148

College loans. SCORE 5

A pool during an earthquake SCORE 2

Aloe you Vera much SCORE 226

Kanye’s Valentine to Kim SCORE 107

How i feel about V day SCORE 115

When dogs die SCORE 170

the times are changing SCORE 243

Stealing Harry SCORE 175

Yes, master. SCORE 53

Being young. SCORE 7