there is no such thing as a bad potato SCORE 16

c’mon avocado makers! SCORE 23

it’s like i’m in the room SCORE 23

where’s waldo SCORE 16

amusing criticism SCORE 5

orange SCORE 28

still gotta try though SCORE 14

am i a dog? SCORE 18

sleeping does sound nice SCORE 19

it’s data not data SCORE 19

i relate to history SCORE 25

ursus americanus! SCORE 21

fun is the wrong word SCORE 5

there is no light in my darkness SCORE 7

stick em in a stew! SCORE 21

it’s a fair question SCORE 15

it’s a toupee SCORE 7

do you prefer punk or metal? SCORE 18

the wedding is off SCORE 23

choo choo SCORE 15

place your bets SCORE 5

this is a joke, right? SCORE 16

raised on small bites SCORE 11

it’s gonna be a long flight SCORE 3

when life comes full circle SCORE 27

i take full responsibility SCORE 16

the world’s happiest microwave SCORE 24

looks like i’m gonna live forever SCORE 14

scooby can’t do SCORE 7

it’s how she knew he was the one SCORE 21

you’ve been warned SCORE 9

just a touch SCORE 4