me everyday SCORE 14

Finally Someone Acknowledged The Truth SCORE 124

That special someone SCORE 133

Speeding Ticket SCORE 157

This is a game changer SCORE 14

Spot the dog SCORE 115

Bad dad! SCORE 14

When Love Has No Limits SCORE 180

I Want This Guy To Preform At My Funeral SCORE 10

Because for science SCORE 11

The Strange, Strange Creatures SCORE 154

Fixing The Bathroom Picture SCORE 11

How I pick up the ladies SCORE 7

This Could Be Us, You Know SCORE 7

Always Innovate SCORE 18

Hahaha SCORE 12

Every student will understand SCORE 115

They Have Teeth, Guys SCORE 14

We’ve come full-circle. SCORE 15

Genius SCORE 7

Kitties In Boxes SCORE 12

I love both bound and electronic books SCORE 19

33 Celebrities Who Share The Same Face SCORE 5

I’m So Doing This When I Have Children SCORE 10

Ever Hear About The Underwater Spider? SCORE 10

Hipster cat SCORE 2

Jesus has taken the wheel SCORE 151

Pharmacy probs SCORE -1


Form plus function SCORE 14

Some Cake Bakers Are Really Creative SCORE 11

My lifeeeee SCORE 14