Ducks Could Be My Thing SCORE 167
Also an American, Can Confirm SCORE 255
I Had No Idea About This SCORE 166
Misconceptions about introverts SCORE 9
This needs to be in every public restroom SCORE 155
A Letter To All The People Of The World SCORE 117
Urban Oasis SCORE 120
Harry Potter’s Awkward Promo Shots SCORE 172
Finals Got Me Like SCORE 8
Thank you. SCORE 13
Not Afraid To Boast About Size SCORE 88
What’s your question? SCORE 4
your mom SCORE -5
Meth SCORE 0
Postbusters SCORE 249
Spiderman and Deadpool SCORE 12
He’s Going To Have A Bad Time SCORE 134
This sign has had enough of your fat shaming SCORE 7
Why Didn’t I Think Of This Before SCORE 7
It’s All Connected SCORE 8
'Murica SCORE 166
Amazing Dress Inspired By A Disney Princess SCORE 183
Fine line SCORE 121
This is a good father. SCORE 322
The Most Expensive TV Show Ever Made SCORE 8
So much pain… SCORE 9
This chameleon is actually two painted women SCORE 174
Pigeons SCORE 130
Why don't we have this? SCORE 8
Failure. SCORE 100
Disappointed otter SCORE 113