UPS needs you SCORE 139

That's why he betrayed him SCORE 17

Rules Of Thesaurus Club SCORE 10

Leo laughing at Oscar memes SCORE 128

Punny Grocery Store SCORE 14

Beef is salad SCORE 5

Yes, just yes. SCORE 17

As a student and a gamer… SCORE 115

Belly Rubs SCORE 10

Come Here, Don’t Worry Bro SCORE 15

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory SCORE 11

Stay weird. Stay different. SCORE 123

Forever alone SCORE 147

I feel better SCORE 228

Darth Vader – Before and After SCORE 16

A 4 minute shower? SCORE 137

This Cafe Gets Me SCORE 4

Two Sides Of A Girl SCORE 117

Asian Dumbledore SCORE 158

Her Only Weakness SCORE 13

Dangerous Prank SCORE 12

Don’t Mess With Grandpa SCORE 190

Translation: For Me And For You SCORE 115

Good Old mIRC SCORE -5

The Triviality Of The English Language SCORE 11

If I had to name some animals. SCORE 123

Germans, Even Their Sweets Are Useful SCORE 13

the truth about Justin Beiber. SCORE 107

Somewhere in a country far, far away SCORE 128

Breaking up Friendships SCORE 14

Pretty Much Every Group Project I’ve Ever Had SCORE 14

Apparently I Belong To The Night SCORE 13