come on, body! SCORE 32

dogs love barking SCORE 13

three to juan ratio SCORE 28

a real banger SCORE 23

chubby checker truther SCORE 0

the first person to leave is the real hero SCORE 30

it’s not an opinion, it’s a… SCORE 16

do you answer the door? SCORE 20

what was she baking though? SCORE 3

she’s working on it SCORE 36

a dangerous power to wield SCORE 21

negative calories for negative flavor SCORE 34

he has a side quest for you SCORE 16

if you wait long enough… SCORE 11

don’t try this at home SCORE 13

time to pay your debts SCORE 17

like a moth to flame SCORE 20

funny but true SCORE 41

get me my sharpest shoes SCORE 22

this is one lesson i will repeat over and over again until i die SCORE 8

facts SCORE 24

pet the buffalo SCORE 14

use the whole hand SCORE 12

better ingredients. better pizza SCORE 9

jealous cat SCORE 22

i look so good SCORE 11

what cruel fate SCORE 15

i don’t know what i did wrong SCORE 11

i was never here SCORE 15

better than dirt SCORE 28

nerf or nothing SCORE 18

the older i get, the more i appreciate rocks on the ground SCORE 13