Ah. Very well then. SCORE 35

Yes, defend the Macdonalds… SCORE 39

I lob u SCORE 25

to eat the faucet SCORE 24

Oh god, not again… SCORE 24

Friends sold separately. SCORE 23

Suddenly tapioca pearls … SCORE 35

It’s our heritage now? SCORE 29

Autumn cometh. SCORE 16

It’s a rain dance, Ted. SCORE 27

Peace was never an option SCORE 16

Being dyslexic has its perks… SCORE 25

Spicy debating. SCORE 16


Life, uhhh, finds a way… SCORE 21

Hooray the machine is working! SCORE 31

Would you bet your life on it, ma’am? SCORE 31

Pechnically Tony SCORE 26

Blood, yes. SCORE 28

Let us give it a go, Larry. SCORE 21

It only happens once a year cake… SCORE 31

She said it… SCORE 15

Jolene takes it. SCORE 30

Some hotels deliver. SCORE 27

If You Give A Bird A Baguette… SCORE 19

It’s just love, man… SCORE 18

Why would you do such a thing, Davie? SCORE 29

Classic tale as old as time. SCORE 34

I was not expecting that… SCORE 19

Felt cute… SCORE 29

Break-in rooms are coming 2021. SCORE 37

Surely someone saw it coming… SCORE 18