Yawning Is Contagious SCORE 7

Boop! Jazz hands! Do a barrel roll! Jazz hands! Retreat! SCORE 8

It's not a smirk SCORE 156

Oh, Draco SCORE 165

Daniel Telling It How It Is SCORE 223


An artist is doing a really cool thing by painting baby’s medical helmets SCORE 14

This is why I like to bike. Because you see things like this. SCORE 4

Just a little misunderstanding. SCORE 145

That’s A-Door-Able SCORE 197

Sell Me This Laptop SCORE 14

They should keep it SCORE 158

A Recent Study SCORE 12

Kids Today Have A Different Perspective SCORE 13

The Monster Under The Bed SCORE 12

Street Art On Quarry Walls SCORE 159

One sentence sad stories SCORE 207

Perfection SCORE 234

When I Try To Calm Someone SCORE 8

this couldn’t be more true SCORE 13

Last day of school in America SCORE 15

Gun regulation. SCORE 7

Here's why humane shelters ask for donated toothbrushes SCORE 215

Palindromes Blowing Minds SCORE 153

The Doctor isn’t even a month old yet… SCORE 7

Nothing To Do Now SCORE 10

Doing Everything To Survive SCORE 18

Well Done Gamers SCORE 199

Memorial Day SCORE 191

Puns of love SCORE 173

Oh, the colors! SCORE -3

Don’t fall in… SCORE 9