how i get super powers SCORE 26
the modern dark reboot SCORE 9
book, try reading one SCORE 28
if the moms don’t look like this, it’s not a pixar movie SCORE 22
why i love weekends SCORE 17
and i’d watch them all SCORE 24
every office needs these SCORE 29
it’s just for the rest of my life SCORE 24
stop arresting avocado dealers SCORE 26
prove me wrong SCORE 20
which is it? it could be either SCORE 16
it ain’t happening SCORE 9
the perfect cat SCORE 12
karma is coming for both of them SCORE 20
i’m here for you SCORE 23
i always do SCORE 19
they can’t be doing worse, right? SCORE 21
never trust your pets with your fridge SCORE 12
it’s a really funny joke SCORE 30
modern life is so fulfilling SCORE 31
never remove the mcdinosaur SCORE 22
which star trek character are you? SCORE 11
i’ll have way 23 please SCORE 34
living on the edge! SCORE 31
it started with a donut SCORE 19
you’ve only made things worse SCORE 17
moths love lamp SCORE -2
‘not’ was never an option SCORE 17
not so silent but still deadly SCORE 13
please sir, may i have another? SCORE 13
the more you know SCORE 19
the dream life SCORE 20