this bird is so relatable SCORE 21
forever a floppy disk SCORE 23
the starting season 2 struggle is very real SCORE 24
allergy season is the real pandemic SCORE 25
the best way to let someone know you really don’t want to talk to them SCORE 20
ready for my senior discount SCORE 17
tail noms SCORE 21
the frog has spoken SCORE 25
a one time exception to the rule SCORE 19
spot the doggo. bet you can’t! SCORE 20
cleaning break earned SCORE 16
crushing dystopian sadness at a very reasonable price SCORE 11
we live in the dumbest timeline SCORE 14
bow to my superior intellect SCORE 17
clever crows SCORE 54
living off royalties… not really SCORE 14
dating app idea for goths SCORE 25
back seat police driving SCORE 5
i survived the titanic SCORE 14
a perfectly well-adjusted avocado SCORE 21
this is how i wake up SCORE 23
for the goth on the move SCORE 19
finally shoes that match his mask! SCORE 18
not again… SCORE 19
there’s always that one dentist SCORE 15
singing the song of its people SCORE 20
llama lobster SCORE 19
there is no death more embarrassing than this SCORE 27
diana really wants fishies SCORE 9
mariah carey season is upon us SCORE 6
the times they are a changin’ SCORE 17
roll die for outcome SCORE 31