a 54 million yo gecko trapped in amber SCORE 88
Instant clench SCORE 61
Kid’s got priorities SCORE 85
Police dog smiles after a drug bust SCORE 100
Spiral Staircase in the Taihang Mountains, China SCORE 75
#bringthetreesback SCORE 74
Iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada SCORE 77
Reboot SCORE 109
Abomination SCORE 91
Maybe tomorrow then SCORE 69
These Octopus Heels SCORE 63
It’s Spring time SCORE 75
Shrek is love, Shrek is life SCORE 96
Why do I even buy you things? SCORE 90
Well… SCORE 84
How to pay a ticket SCORE 60
Future! SCORE 77
The Spiral Galaxy M104, also named Sombrero Galaxy located 28 million light-years from Earth, taken by NASA Hubble. SCORE 75
No backsies… SCORE 102
This tiny tiny hummer SCORE 108
No touching… SCORE 78
A very old button. SCORE 78
John Green SCORE 131
Love, Mom. SCORE 127
She does have a point SCORE 144
Relatable? SCORE 78
Old warehouses converted to living spaces SCORE 84
Getting rudely awoken SCORE 64
Working V V Hard For Schmackos, Plz Support SCORE 77
Now what?! SCORE 134
15 minutes before history SCORE 61