Anyone else do this? SCORE 196

I Need To Show This To My Nutritionist SCORE 8

Toddlers and me SCORE 15

Highlighter In A Microwave SCORE 10

My face in class SCORE 108

It’s Carbon Free SCORE 126

The difference between Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy… SCORE 104

One Of Those Challenging Moments In Life SCORE 182

Homeless man builds igloo in Chicago SCORE 137

For the anti-vaccers SCORE 208

Public displays of affection SCORE 0

How I feel cleaning soap scum. SCORE 11

This entertained me for longer than it should SCORE 144

Those People Are Not To Be Trusted SCORE 11

My Current Laundry Situation SCORE 11

Not Your Average Stupidity SCORE 13

Dog With A Hammer SCORE 9

Vampires SCORE 184

Oh hey just chillin. SCORE 101

Its too late, lady beards is a thing now SCORE 11

netflix too SCORE 142

Kitty On A Diet SCORE 13

Look At This Dog, Look At Him SCORE 9

Hope Everything Goes Swimmingly For Them SCORE 155

Why Evolution Started SCORE 13

Due to budget cuts the Navy SEALs will be replaced by the Navy OTTERs. SCORE 19

A lion gets a CAT scan SCORE 9

This Shark… SCORE 70

Anime Amino Acid SCORE 14

How the world works SCORE 15

The Secret Behind Strong Relationships SCORE 11

Family Dinner In The Galaxy SCORE 8