shatula SCORE -24

what do they stand for, “pure-bred and jank”? SCORE 7

the seed of love SCORE 13

beats by dr. drake SCORE 10

lost dog SCORE 12

evolution has succeeded in me SCORE 14

must-see must-ard SCORE 3

donut ask again SCORE 14

air beg-n-beg SCORE 26

that fuzzy feeling SCORE 18

go-go power ‘splainers SCORE 24

merry snorkel SCORE 6

trained well SCORE 9

the best defurnse SCORE 33

meth-odology SCORE -23

bricked up SCORE 15

staying on-brand SCORE 12

i’ve seen this horror flick… SCORE 27

and I keep hitting re-pea-pea-pea-pea-peat SCORE 22

saruto SCORE -20

modemvated to succeed SCORE 13

one step ahead SCORE 28

just kiddin’ around SCORE 8

plz just give me a human SCORE 20

gunna be a naystation SCORE 2

late night sights SCORE 12

oh the humanity SCORE 9

the dog squad SCORE 10

emojank SCORE -5

keep your hisstance SCORE 29

we live in a society SCORE 4

meme sites looking at other meme sites SCORE 7