Perfect Birthday Card SCORE 14

Depending On Who’s Available SCORE 203

The Matthew McConaughey Paradox SCORE 8

We Need To Get Our Priorities Right SCORE 340

A mirror in the desert SCORE 13

Can you turn into the Hulk? (Taking his daughter to preschool) SCORE 254

Treetop walkway SCORE 13

Imaginary friends are so complex SCORE 126

Political Correctness SCORE 186

Whenever I Try To Shut Down My Computer SCORE 14

The internet would be a much better place SCORE 168

Duct tape art SCORE 5

Feels SCORE 236

The anatomy of songs SCORE 11

If Humans Become Immortal SCORE 128

Looks Like He's Got The Runs SCORE 9

Science! SCORE 71

I Want To Shop There SCORE 130

Teenage Mutant WHAT!? SCORE -13

Fun Fact About The Lottery SCORE 15

Pretty nice idea. Who else would move in? SCORE 16

Syrian child trying to protect his sister from bombing SCORE 14

Amazing LEGO Rube Goldberg Machine SCORE 4

A Lannister Has To Be Reset SCORE 14

Every Single Time.. SCORE 11

Prairie dog family SCORE 9

That escalated quickly SCORE 173

sonicare toothbrush SCORE 150

The Inception island. This is madness SCORE 15

Long distance relationships SCORE 14

Revolutionary Sign Board SCORE 170

This Is Oddly Satisfying SCORE 140