Do more of what makes you happy. SCORE 153
Zombies vs. supermodels. SCORE 203
Done. SCORE 219
A fly’s life. SCORE 152
Cool sparks are cool. SCORE 156
I can’t sleep. SCORE 159
The Facebook dichotomy. SCORE 172
What you think about while watching a romantic movie. SCORE 195
Yay!!! SCORE 135
So hardcore. SCORE 180
OCD Santa. SCORE 238
Like a boss. SCORE 165
Genetics. SCORE 347
Bad idea. SCORE 165
Be nice to fat people. SCORE 237
I don’t exactly hate you… SCORE 169
Let’s celebrate. SCORE 180
Tech support. SCORE 164
I know that feel bro. SCORE 182
Nope… SCORE 202
You are the worst hacker… SCORE 221
Stereotypes. SCORE 275
Silly cat. SCORE 209
Likely outcomes of owning a real lightsaber. SCORE 232
I can relate. SCORE 186
Why does bacon taste so good? SCORE 220
Bert the cat vs. cat balloon. SCORE 150
Just a little art. SCORE 299
Must concentrate! SCORE 139
A non-renewable resource! SCORE 293
Attack of the laser cat! SCORE 103
The camera adds ten pounds. SCORE 171