When faceswaps attack. SCORE 82

The Dominos Effect SCORE 76

When you’re on a flight to Ft Lauderdale SCORE 60

And circle gets the square. SCORE 44


California lately. SCORE 76

Cant gloss over history SCORE 55

This mall instead of modeling new cars models a car that was destroyed in a texting and driving accident with ‘Don’t text and drive’ written all over it SCORE 89

Asking the real questions. SCORE 79

How to hi5 myself SCORE 63

We all have tried. SCORE 62

swiper ain’t swiping no mo SCORE 104

The ‘we need to talk’ moment before all hell breaks loose SCORE 35

These 2 have a pure connection SCORE 54

10/10 wool recommend SCORE 77

with teeth u idiot SCORE 92

This is love. SCORE 90

Small wedding, big honeymoon SCORE 100

I’m just waiting for a friend. SCORE 79

Well yeah, I mean you’re not wrong… SCORE 55

Get in loser we’re going crying SCORE 44

*nervously dies on your ottoman* SCORE 86

They don’t deserve Doug SCORE 53

I’m not happy about it… SCORE 124

On the Space Force SCORE 89

Didn’t quite make it to 10 billion and 1… SCORE 43

Nobody thought to invite, say, a woman or two… SCORE 70

Wholesome and pure. SCORE 116

This is Fred. Fred adopted 9 ducklings after their mother went missing. Fred is a very good boy. SCORE 82

Parenting like a pro. SCORE 38

Somebody toucha my blessed spaget. SCORE 58

I counted at least 8 layers of color in the water from a beach in Croatia SCORE 93