on the cutting edge SCORE 4

ben afflict SCORE 11

order disorder SCORE 13

family feuood SCORE 10

the com-median SCORE 1

rock ’em ’til you sock ’em SCORE 14

sweet fortune SCORE 15

the memedium is the message SCORE 15

panorama SCORE 28

irrigation irritation SCORE 27

bath room-service SCORE 13

harry plotter SCORE 36

tapping in SCORE 17

a taste of history SCORE 14

the corpurrate ladder SCORE 15

customer serve-ish SCORE 16

teen aged SCORE 14

perfect passive punishments SCORE 6

keeping tabs SCORE 25

rugpulled SCORE 22

accountable sheep SCORE 6

server serving SCORE 26

the purrfect life SCORE 33

tonal tonality SCORE 13

tracy tree triumph SCORE 6

burning bridges SCORE 16

play (up)dates SCORE 15

patients as a virtue SCORE 25

dam it all! SCORE 8

concentrated fruit SCORE 8

cheesy socializing SCORE 16

karl barx SCORE 10