Seen at my local car dealership. SCORE 14

Remedial first aid. SCORE 21

I get a little bit tired… SCORE 29

You can get it, Xi. SCORE 20

Welp seeya next time! SCORE 28

The kit kat ground zero. SCORE 14

Hey I got an idea… let’s build a house here! SCORE 21

Polarity in all things. SCORE 27

Sleep sweet, Betty. SCORE 27

Pick your own beans. SCORE 26

Nice work Tristin. SCORE 26

You want the bite?! SCORE 25

I mean it’s not like you had to experience child birth… SCORE 28

Don’t mind me… SCORE 27

Laugh while you’re breathing. SCORE 16

🥞 the dogs. SCORE 24

There’s a subscription for everything. SCORE 30

Retire with honor. SCORE 25

Moms who wreck. SCORE 28

vomit-o-meter. SCORE 13

And here she is! SCORE 24

He had me in the first half, not gonna lie. SCORE 25

Yeah, one of those things! SCORE 4

The stress is cronchy SCORE 29

You’ll love this one neat trick SCORE 17

guess who? SCORE 31

Can confirm… SCORE 27

I think I’ll go for a walk… SCORE 18

Just happy to be here. SCORE 26

F to Iceland. SCORE 7

Andy, Stahp… SCORE 19

Wrecked ’em. SCORE 32