Pug logic. SCORE 184

When you see someone you know at the grocery store. SCORE 180

Poor cinnamon. SCORE 402

You will be disappointed with this comic. SCORE 199

The truth about dogs. SCORE 216

Oh internet, you understand me. SCORE 196

Brag. SCORE 272

Burn. SCORE 319

Putting on clothes straight from the dryer. SCORE 135

You wanna hang out later? SCORE 207

Hey I just bit you… SCORE 277

When someone gives you money. SCORE 338

Smiling at camera expectation vs. reality. SCORE 225

When someone waves to me in public. SCORE 238

How to give your cat a bath. SCORE 129

How I felt studying vs. how I felt during the exam. SCORE 276

Yep. SCORE 312

They went that way! SCORE 241

When someone you hate leaves the room. SCORE 324

There he is. SCORE 263

Like a boss. SCORE 278

Like a boss. SCORE 300

Chatillon Belgium car graveyard. SCORE 309

Illegal things. SCORE 381

Just my average day. SCORE 190

Amish skydiving. SCORE 206

Life hack. SCORE 289

Thanks for taking my advice… SCORE 129

Scumbag cats. SCORE 254

Sorry, dinosaurs. SCORE 213

Yay! Shopping! SCORE 278

Go kitty! Go! SCORE 189