The worst thing about being a penguin SCORE 131

So Many Words SCORE 115

Soft dalek, happy dalek SCORE 0

Exaaaaactly SCORE 3

This is why police cats aren’t a thing SCORE 134

Lazy problems SCORE 16

Cutouts against natural colors SCORE 201

Bob Marley's Words Of Wisdom SCORE 123

Tom Felton and Emma Watson SCORE 147

When I’m on the phone with my mom SCORE 12

Valid Answer SCORE 160

When new movies based on a series come out SCORE 117

How ungrateful can you be? SCORE 4

Edison’s Mother SCORE 232

Saving A Dog SCORE 182

The Neighbor’s Dog Is Special SCORE 14

One is a pillow and the other is a blanket. Everybody wins SCORE 14

OMG, This Halloween Costume Is Adorable SCORE 144

The first joke in the world SCORE 171

Healthy Brain SCORE 16

Toddler Dressed As Crazy Cat Lady For Halloween SCORE 9

This poor little guy SCORE 17

A happy turtle!! SCORE 153

They Had One Job SCORE 16

When You Miss School SCORE 9

I could live here. SCORE 10

Easily Escape If You’re Being Held Captive SCORE 13

Oh you had a bad day, tell me all about it SCORE 15

8-Bit Skittle Art SCORE 14

Typical Pit Bull SCORE 137

The Simpsons’ Hard Truths. SCORE 13

They suspect nothing! SCORE 181