I hope one day I'll find someone who loves me that much SCORE 156

My rat tries watermelon for the first time… SCORE 11

When someone is learning a new musical instrument SCORE 15

Classic Spongedog SCORE 11

How to fix a bad day SCORE 17

Best Neighbors Ever SCORE 11

This made my heart happy. SCORE 174

Angry Fishy! SCORE 16

A Great Professor SCORE 174

Anna Kendrick SCORE 127

That Irritating Line From Hell SCORE 113

The Giggle Of Death SCORE 164

A photo of a dandelion at sunrise. SCORE 11

The Alphabet Game SCORE 194

The Beauty of a Machine SCORE 3

Amazing Puzzle Table SCORE 13

Calming Cat SCORE 17

Spells at the Country Club SCORE 133

In fact, I’m in my bungalow right now! SCORE 208

One Of The Most Clever Pieces Of Graffiti I’ve Ever Seen SCORE 180

One-Eyed Cat Problem Solved SCORE 8

smart dog really wanted to get that ball! SCORE 119

The Avengers Cake SCORE 14

the only trophy I’ve ever won SCORE 8

These Birds Are So Metal SCORE 164

Bankers be like SCORE 12

Shamed School Puppy SCORE 123

Looks like someone’s having family trouble! SCORE 1

I understood that reference! SCORE 12

life SCORE 12

Such A Great Quote…Wait SCORE 143

Stickers for adults SCORE 12