My biggest accomplishment SCORE 156

Fun Prank SCORE 99

How to kidnap a 28 year old in 2016 SCORE 81

Either SCORE 114

God creating kittens SCORE 73

Gotta hatch those eggs SCORE 98

That’s How You Show Your Thinking SCORE 118

Time to find a different neighborhood SCORE 98

Potato SCORE 121

When I die SCORE 127

We all know this will happen SCORE 112

God creating spiders SCORE 71

Grow a pear SCORE 63

A quote from Bush’s speech for the fallen Dallas police officers. SCORE 222

God creating alligators SCORE 68

Uranus takes a pounding SCORE 131

God creating the kangaroo SCORE 59

Some dogs just need a mid-jog nap SCORE 117

Stress perm SCORE 50

God creating dogs SCORE 81

God creating bees SCORE 52

Pokemon GO is life SCORE 80

Synonym Definition SCORE 85

The president of Israel just posted a photo of a Pokemon in the presidential residence, with the caption “call security.” SCORE 172

Chinese Lottery Winner Dressed as Baymax So Thieves and Poor Relatives Won’t Discover Who He Is. SCORE 149

Words SCORE 114

You know it’s going to happen. SCORE 107

Tom Elvis Jedusor SCORE 121

Trying not to offend anybody in 2016 SCORE 44

When you don’t know the answer to an exam question but you refuse to leave it blank. SCORE 140

A bathroom sign that I can get behind. SCORE 91

You’re just like a Disney Movie SCORE 75