Rock, paper, scissors. Easy, right? NO. SCORE 13

My grandma weighs 950 dollars. SCORE 243

Why there aren’t more crazy boyfriend stories. SCORE 252

Identical: Portraits of Twins, by Martin Schoeller. SCORE 179

Tribute to Ridiculous Voices! SCORE 64

Oh, Mr. Krabs.. SCORE 5

Story of my life. SCORE 157

Mornings SCORE 155

Types of bad kissers. SCORE 113

I could watch this all day. SCORE 144

Awh, she’s so beautiful. SCORE -8

What a relief. SCORE 94

9 and 3/4. SCORE 295

did you know? SCORE 5

As a tall person, yes. SCORE 161

matching level 99999999 SCORE 16

Meet Poncho. SCORE 143

What did heccccck did I just read?! SCORE 8

Deciding whether or not to have a baby. SCORE 138

Never pay for flowers. SCORE 137

Priorities. SCORE 145

Thor as a kid. SCORE 460

Facebook lately. SCORE 411

The Truth Behind Calorie Labels. SCORE 79

That’s a dirty trick. SCORE 112

The science of cats. SCORE 23

Which is right? SCORE 6

Too awesome to drink. SCORE 176

And now you know how fencing is made. SCORE 181

Grey vs. Gray. SCORE 283

Voices SCORE 9

He knew what was up SCORE 7