What we do. SCORE 169

The French Army Knife. SCORE 134

Couldn’t agree more. SCORE 9

We are all Sims. SCORE 423

Ninja bunny. SCORE 16

Corgi heaven. SCORE 10

Create your own tomorrow. SCORE 122

Why I’m pro-choice and pro-gay marriage. SCORE 237

Whenever I’m forced to go out SCORE 164

The Rock. SCORE 21

The hill billy flash light. SCORE 5

Boom! SCORE -13

The snake’s double SCORE 443

Movie night. SCORE 170

The more you know. SCORE 207

This is why I have trust issues. SCORE 456

Breathe in the ocean. SCORE 229

In the year 2050. SCORE 168

Three words everyone wants to hear. SCORE 188

Sauron Knows Your License Plate SCORE 543

This is what Barbie would look like if she had an average woman’s body. SCORE 195

Knock, knock… SCORE 165

What it’s like to talk to my grandparents. SCORE 376

Because, cat. SCORE 189

Eternal soda. SCORE 0

Solid advice. SCORE 181

Burn! SCORE 304

It does. SCORE 121

Saw this at work today… SCORE 10

Follow your heart. SCORE 6

I need to play this. SCORE 321

You know you do this SCORE 358