cats are such adorable rascals SCORE 29

new golden rule for men SCORE 42

adding to my bucket list SCORE 17

historical tears SCORE 31

release the nc-17 cut! SCORE 12

productively lazy SCORE 18

dad and the cat he didn’t want SCORE 24

jolene is the exception to the rule SCORE 13

she earned her pony SCORE 40

doesn’t remember the rhythm either SCORE 24

an honest yearbook quote SCORE 20

i prefer my watermelon bone-in SCORE 23

what item are you handing a chameleon? SCORE 19

that’s what sea said SCORE 14

no one is ever emotionally ready for monday SCORE 7

i’ll pay more attention next time SCORE 12

what happens when you take kids to ikea SCORE 10

this ability would shorten a lot of trials SCORE 19

there is never a civil ending to a game of monopoly SCORE 20

it’s called a sunflower for a reason SCORE 29

make sure you hit up the caramelized onion booth at the next state fair SCORE 32

you can never leave SCORE 12

does this satisfy the mysterious craving SCORE 36

she definitely put it there on purpose SCORE 20

why don’t you save him as a pdf SCORE 18

they really take on a life of their own at 3 am SCORE 12

the best at mental health… SCORE 33

not without your gloves you heathen! SCORE 12

dance party of my dreams SCORE 19

there goes the surprise SCORE 21

she’s not lost, she’s just dramatic SCORE 29

human infested houses SCORE 32