horses are weird SCORE 25

beating the boss of gmail SCORE 21

we’re dommed – I mean doomed SCORE 0

who said cats were shelfish creatures?! SCORE 29

unanticipasta’d definition SCORE 11

looks like meat’s back on the menu boys SCORE 13

the ghosts of christmas would have a field day with me SCORE 10

from geico to geicool SCORE 13

your own personal terrarium SCORE 42

the simple life SCORE 33

pretend professional SCORE 25

booking dates SCORE 35

they’ve ruined snow days SCORE 26

there’s always one… SCORE 19

this be mine now SCORE 29

counting on corvids SCORE 17

simpler times SCORE 19

echolocation relation SCORE 20

i have a feeling this happens often… SCORE 29

a better green lantern SCORE 23

w-well then SCORE 1

a new type of chicken ball SCORE 30

immaculate conversationalist SCORE 12

sick of that feeling SCORE 40

it all adds up… SCORE 9

this year in a nutshell SCORE 20

flying high SCORE 9

hippo lessos SCORE 17

hocus pocus time to unfocus SCORE 17

stolen meme SCORE 5

snoop dogg quitting smoking shocks us all SCORE 3

the real aim of having glasses SCORE 17