Not quite toothless SCORE 25
Dogfish seen hunting near crowded beaches… SCORE 21
Beware the Cawl! SCORE 20
Unknow this thing. SCORE 24
for the cost of one cup of coffee’ you too can sponsor an American SCORE 34
Faretheewell…. SCORE 25
Look for the incentives. SCORE 27
And what of the bearded women? SCORE 23
*acknowledged* SCORE 18
What am I missing? SCORE 29
Nerds, by size distribution. SCORE 28
We are easy to please. SCORE 25
*eats a hot pocket* SCORE 33
Message received. SCORE 23
Where have I seen that face before… SCORE 14
Nature is healing…? SCORE 25
Behold, My Dairy Queen SCORE 23
When you run out of fks to give. SCORE 33
This guy’s lost it… SCORE 30
Hyde yo homework. SCORE 33
Read more Billy Shakespeare SCORE 18
The doges are shifting. SCORE 34
[butt]ernut squash. SCORE 24
Find ya self. SCORE 26
Thanks, I love it SCORE 26
Incognito mode activated. SCORE 33
Would you get a load of this guy… SCORE 29
Timelines are hard… SCORE 25
Moose did like his pipe… SCORE 20
The thing about libraries is… SCORE 39