Pocket kitten SCORE 120

It Was A Tough Day For Baby James SCORE 15

With friends like these… SCORE 13

More of this guy! SCORE 162

A Proud Mama SCORE 179

totally normal. SCORE 110

Jacob’s Well ~ Wimberley, Texas SCORE 16

Well That Was Simple SCORE 10

Windows To The Universe SCORE 159

Parking space that lowers to become hidden underground SCORE 8

No It's Becky SCORE 10

I came to take your job… SCORE 18

Checkmate SCORE 161

Right in the feels SCORE 218

Strax for President SCORE 153

Jesus Take The Wheel SCORE 130

Imma let you finish, but SCORE 3

The Legend Bill Murray SCORE 177

Child sacrifice SCORE 136

Pizza is Happiness SCORE 13

They Really Love Boxes SCORE 12

Poor tree SCORE 187

Bangstaches :o SCORE 5

Taking Care Of The Dearest Friend SCORE 170

Squirrel Feeder SCORE 7

I’ve Noticed This Is Happening More And More Often SCORE 141

Rabbit enjoying his milk SCORE 155

No thanks, you keep it SCORE 133

He's right you know. SCORE 194

Just a normal tight rope trick SCORE 10

BSing an essay the night before it’s due. SCORE 129

When I hear Christmas music before Halloween SCORE 10