Sir Savage the 21st SCORE 43
Gotta love Pokémon SCORE 49
I hope he sees this in time… SCORE 31
My great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great Grandpa 8,000 B.C. SCORE 18
VR Goggles without the phone attached. SCORE 71
The size of Australia compared to the USA mainland. SCORE 55
That’s cute SCORE 56
Lil Tee keeping it real SCORE 55
Duck, duck, cat SCORE 69
It was worth it. SCORE 78
Feeding time…. SCORE 50
Budget cuts SCORE 63
Too bad so sad SCORE 75
Not listening, not listening! SCORE 35
Snow elephants SCORE 93
Does this count as derpy? SCORE 62
Dad sneezes are a force of nature SCORE 54
Grow old together. SCORE 113
Elongated Musket Gun SCORE 66
me_irl SCORE 50
How could I.. SCORE 56
A frozen waterfall in Italy SCORE 64
I swear teachers do it on purpose… SCORE 48
33 year old me… SCORE 71
Thank you SCORE 103
Yeah , I’m not blind SCORE 64
Moms, basically. SCORE 18
Some heroes use controllers SCORE 113
The Buzzfeed trigger warning SCORE 57
me irl SCORE 61
What a gentleman SCORE 71
sO DisREsPecFtUl SCORE 31