time men spend in the shower SCORE 15

this is not my dog SCORE 41

he does it for his cat SCORE 18

always watching you SCORE 26

just ducking around on the bus SCORE 17

amelia earhart halloween costume SCORE 55

Are scissors okay? SCORE -18

whose line is it anyway? SCORE 28

the healing power of lemon water SCORE 21

how to impress your crush in 2003 SCORE 24

my ancestors didn’t wear sunscreen SCORE 36

lost dog SCORE 14

from the myspacian period SCORE 24

the perfect retirement SCORE 18

the bowl holder – a million dollar idea? SCORE 5

i don’t wanna see you right now SCORE 19

in the beginning, the universe was created SCORE 46

the institute of unfinished research SCORE 14

don’t play these dangerous games SCORE 26

blink 182 SCORE 14

what isn’t therapy but feels like therapy SCORE -21

darth vader cat SCORE 24

season one me had writing issues SCORE 41

the older you get the more relatable ross is SCORE 25

the anaconda got buns hun SCORE 39

black dress with hands on her hips SCORE 16

crying is not an emergency SCORE 20

hello, ma’am SCORE 10

clever fishing mailbox SCORE 24

olympics with no rules SCORE 35

noble gasses should have no reaction SCORE 21

bring your kid to work day SCORE 32