Meanwhile in America… SCORE 142
Sorry Pacman… SCORE 170
Flight paths. SCORE 207
Get in one little fight. SCORE 261
Well played. SCORE 152
Wild sneeze cometh… SCORE 79
I want cookie. SCORE 129
Vincent Van Gogh to Disneyland. SCORE 98
Words. SCORE 261
Fencing… also for old people. SCORE 165
Har har har. SCORE 225
A well balanced diet. SCORE 241
Luke button. SCORE 148
Wuv. SCORE 154
Highly suspect… SCORE 54
Moustacha. SCORE 154
Atheists pick and choose their morals. SCORE 387
I know kung fu. SCORE 148
Literally. SCORE 186
The juggling drummer. SCORE 216
There is still hope for you. SCORE 331
I never got your text. SCORE 178
Beware of Limbo Dancers! SCORE 142
You’re fired! SCORE 191
Remember you’re not alone. SCORE 220
Bad form. SCORE 142
Royal-tea. SCORE 201
90s nerd vs. 2011 hipster. SCORE 204
How to speak like Kristen Stewart. SCORE 214
Breaking news: HOVER BOARDS! SCORE 202