posted the wrong picture of the wrong dude SCORE 47

there are no accidental clicks on youtube SCORE 19

your fate is sealed SCORE 9

the transformation is complete SCORE 15

robot SCORE 19

do it anyway SCORE 31

so close to heaven… SCORE 1

you can relieve yourself… for a price SCORE 21

the forever struggle SCORE 40

a wise tree once said… SCORE 4

buzz SCORE 31

a real life hero SCORE 35

let’s be friends? SCORE 7

you absolute simpleton SCORE 19

great track from tony hawk SCORE 20

what a brilliant idea… SCORE 18

choose your own adventure SCORE 14

he’s so proud of himself! SCORE 26

i’ve made a terrible mistake SCORE 7

said no one ever SCORE -26

watch your step SCORE 25

reptilian positive reinforcement SCORE 46

trailer shark SCORE 33

you got exactly what you needed SCORE 28

mood SCORE 21

wolfgang was more than just a name SCORE 31

cracked so good SCORE 23

butt punt SCORE 7

the proper way to dispose of halloween pumpkins SCORE 47

why aren’t the walls green? SCORE 17

mind the step SCORE 15

happy bulbasaur SCORE 23