I don’t think Orangutans like rain very much! SCORE 47

Gucci is at its worst SCORE 52

This truck looks like a Cards Against Humanity card SCORE 68

Machine learning? SCORE 77

Parenting done right SCORE 96

Who needs 5 hour energy when you have 55 hour? SCORE 45

What can I get for $2? SCORE 58

A cat is a drunk girl’s best friend SCORE 48

The Simpsons: How times have changed. SCORE 77

The real Ron Swanson. SCORE 96

Btw,it’s btw. SCORE 79

Solid temporary fix SCORE 50

I married a quack SCORE 61

Cards Against Humanity issued a Pride pack, complete with warning. SCORE 57

Found this fuzzy lil stray dog in Peru and had to cuddle SCORE 43

The Aquaman movie looks pretty intense. SCORE 51

Don’t even test me SCORE 65

She’s discovered refraction SCORE 96

Best use of the wall SCORE 66

Piebald moose in Delta Junction, Alaska SCORE 72

Flying through the clouds SCORE 75

Good design is never a coincidence SCORE 89

Mama Freighter nursing her young SCORE 54

What a legend SCORE 52

The hard path SCORE 67

Mommy SCORE 81

Thug life SCORE 60

Times Square 1947 in colour SCORE 65

The Oval Office SCORE 68

Thy shoes doth cost too much SCORE 66

The future….. SCORE 37

Not as cool as we thought! SCORE 89