CheeseBurger SCORE 14

Add More Weight BRO SCORE 8

Having time to cope is important. SCORE 287

Men vs. women. SCORE 13

Cupcakes!! SCORE 86

Well, she knows how to lick… SCORE 11

Death star cake. SCORE 133

My Love Life SCORE 145

Ramen Noodles like a MAN SCORE 97

Like a boss Malfoy style SCORE 140

Bad cat SCORE 16

Water wigs. SCORE 10

How an adult falls asleep at night. SCORE 132

cried all the tears SCORE 271

Especially since she was about to kill somebody when he saved her! SCORE 134

Wisconsin Icecream shops have some serious concerns SCORE 143

Been waiting for this! SCORE 185

Age test. SCORE 137

Some dogs are jerks. SCORE 129

The Fault in our Stars plot twist! SCORE 9

My childhood SCORE 90

Reasons to like France. SCORE 144

Loki. SCORE 269

Telling my friends not to get involved in my fandom SCORE 141

If you want to hunt for bear. SCORE 175

What has the world come to? SCORE 100

Pun! SCORE 160

I agree with his reaction SCORE 110

Mood swings. SCORE 76

And then there was 2 SCORE 130

What about number 5, I dont have food? SCORE 148

Exactly. SCORE 134